How to Build Muscles Without Any Equipment?

How to Build Muscles Without Any Equipment?

At home or on holiday, make the most of every moment to build your muscles! Simple, effective and fast, these 5 equipment-free weight training exercises will become your go-to exercises for building muscle.Check out our instructions for properly completing these 5 exercises: chair, triceps, twist crunches, unilateral sumo squats, wide press-ups. Enjoy your workout!

Romain, our bodybuilding specialist, advises you to perform these exercises without equipment 3 times a week, with a day of rest between each session. Each exercise involves 30 seconds of effort. Recover for 30 seconds and move on to the next exercise. Repeat the circuit 5 times in total. During the 30 seconds of effort that you will repeat, you will have to be as dynamic as possible. You will need to perform a large number of repetitions.  


1 minute of light skipping with a skipping rope

30 seconds of running on spot with high knees

Centre of the body: 30 seconds of front and side plank exercises

The chair exercise

Exercise 1: The Chair

The chair exercise

‍Objective: strengthening the muscles of the thighs.

‍Exercise: lean against a wall with your hands alongside the body and thighs parallel to the floor. Bend your legs and try to hold the chair position for 1 minute.

‍Breathing: breathe slowly and deeply.

‍Safety instructions: the abs are contracted to protect the back which must remain pressed against the wall throughout the exercise.

‍Variant: to complicate the exercise, cross one leg over the other and hold the position for 30 seconds on each side.
